Four years ago, we walked to our first class of high school with a mixture of emotions. We were nervous, excited, scared, and intimidated. All of us were looking to succeed, to find ourselves, and to meet our best friend. We met all sorts of new people, got lost plenty off times, went to our first school dance, and survived being the fresh meat. We couldn't wait to be older.
Three years ago, we entered into that same school, but with a different perspective. We thought we knew all there was to know, we were no longer the youngest. We had different new friends, we got our licenses, and we started to really go out. Seniors talked to us, which made us feel giddy inside. Three years ago, we couldn't wait to be older.
Two years ago, we were finally upperclassmen. We finally had some power in the school, yet we realized we were not as mature and wise as we previously thought we were. We hung out with seniors, danced at junior prom, went to football games, and was put under more school pressure than ever before. We rebelled and tested the waters more than ever. We grew to accept others and were confident to share our true beliefs. We realized who our true best friends, people we truly cherish and love. Two years ago, we couldn't wait to be older.
And now, senior year, we are finally are at the top of the heap. We rule the school, know all the ways to get out of detention, get our own table in the cafeteria, have our own parking spot in the lot, and feel like we can do whatever we want. We see the huge difference between who we were freshman year and who we are now. We have our own small group of true friends, finally able to be mostly drama free. We struggle with trying to encompass our whole selves in a short essay that will decide our fate. School is harder but we are smarter. We had our last first day of school, our last homecoming, our last picture day, our last birthday at home. We all want to get out of this place we have spent the last four years in but at the same time we don't want to leave each other. Once we all go off to college, we will inevitably change, become ourselves in a new way. We won't be as close with all the people in that tight-knit group. So, seniors, lets make this year count. Lets do something everyday that will form memories that we will remember forever, lets leave our mark on this town because this is our last chance.